

Dear GAZETTCO.COM advertiser!
Gazettco.com is one of the most popular Russian-American news portals. Every day we publish as minimum 15-20 news pieces covering happenings in New York, in the US and all around the world. In addition to the traditional publication of banners, which are spread out across 5-6 banner spaces, we offer a complete set of content ads. Articles and interviews, written by professional journalists, are published in sections and subsections most suitable for the content.
Every article is provided with keywords and a detailed preamble, which makes the article easier to be found. Links are also composed with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) considerations in mind. After the publication, the link to the article is also posted on all our pages in social network sites and groups, such as Facebook, Google+,Twitter, Livejournal, etc. These Web sites, as well as many others, less promoted blogs and forums, are selected depending on the advertiser’s profile.
We offer a platform for placing your ads in the outward appearance, which is most attractive for your potential customers. We prepare for each client a “mini-SEO” program, and then spread it out over social networks.
IMPORTANT: once information is released into the Web, it remains there for many years, and, with proper SEO optimization, even after your advertising campaign is over, potential clients will be able to easily find your info online.

please see our media kit